Tourist arrivals cross 50,000 mark in first two weeks of October

The tourist arrivals to the island nation for  the first two weeks of October crossed the  50,000 mark, the provisional data from the  Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority  showed.  Between October 01 and October 15,  Sri Lanka received 50,395 international  visitors, contributing to a cumulative total  of 1,066,651 arrivals for the first 10 months  ending on October 15. 

The arrival target set for October by  the tourism authorities is 147,789 and 34  percent of it has been realised so far. The  daily arrival average for the month has  improved to 3,359 when compared with the  arrival rate of the previous week.  With the arrivals recorded for the first 15  days of October, 68 percent of the arrival  target set for 2023 has been fulfilled. 

Just as the previous months, India ranked  as the largest tourist traffic generator for Sri  Lanka tourism, accounting for 24 percent of  the total arrivals, with 12,261 visitors.  Ranking second is the Russian  Federation, contributing to 9 percent, with  4,554 arrivals, followed by the United  Kingdom, accounting for 8 percent of the  total arrivals, with 4,008 international  visitors.  The other key markets included China,  Germany, Australia, the Maldives, United  States, Spain, and the Netherlands.
